Muscular System Optimization

Strength and Power Development

Client Defined Training

Injury Prevention

Muscular System Education


Specified Treatments

Cardiovasular Optimization
Individualized Client Health and Fitness Journey

Risk Mitigation and Evaluation

Redefining Exercise.
A Science-Based Approach To Addressing Pain and Control Deficits In The Human Body
By Leveraging Neurophysiology and Biomechanics To Optimize Your Body.
The goal...To move with ease. Give every client the tools and knowledge to create an internal environment where the human body can flourish and excel. Train stability, mobility, strength and control. These are the keys to living a long, strong and fulfilled life.
Our process at Intentional Fitness is comprised of exercise systems, which revolve around challenging and influencing the sensory input and output of the neuro-muscular system.
We aim to ensure that your body’s hardware and software are running optimally and that it stays working that way. Our passion lies in bringing you into our world and opening your mind to a whole new way of thinking about movement, exercise, and the body as a whole.
Welcome to Intentional Fitness!
Learn About Our Programs
- Problem Solving The Bodies Complicated Physiological Equations -
Why we must thouroughly assess the body. Our body is a complex network of systems. All of these systems operate from an interconnected and interdependent standpoint. This means that one faulty system may have a profound affect on another system in the body. This also means that an area in the body which is breaking down or causing pain may not be the root of the problem. By assessing the body from a global and systemic standpoint we get the “biomechanical big picture” which helps us to see where the bodies true contol based defecits are occurning. This thorough and holistic assessment process provides us with a wide array of data points which allow us freedom to think creativly and outside the box and ensures we avoid painting ourselves into a corner when it comes to the decision making procees.
- Treat The Cause, Not The Symptom -
At Intentional Fitness we think brain —> nervous system —> muscular system. You must be able to perceive what your body is doing in space (internally and externally) and then be able to adequately control your body by using your muscular system. This is our foundation and our entry point into the stabalization and optimization of the body.
Our Phase 1 MS - Stabilize Goals
Arrest pain responses
Improve overall control of the body
Restore Symetry to the system
Learn restorative and preventative exercise techniques
Develop Daily-NMP (Neuro Muscular Priming) Program (Homework)
- The Exercise Program Must Be Built For The Client - We Can Not Force The Client Into The Exercise Program -
How do we create positive adaptations and progress the body? Each body has its own stress/stimulus profile. This profile represents the bodies’ ability to tolerate exercise, temperature change, and other physical and psychological stressors. If a human is under stimulated there will be no positive adaptation and possibly regression or maladaptation. If a person is overstimulated, then there can be breakdown in the system or even injury. What we look for is the goldilocks zone (stimulating someone right at or just below their threshold to create positive adaptaiton). By using thorough diagnostics and assessment systems we can pinpoint where the clients stress/stimulus threshold is at and create a program that safely and effectively progresses their system to tolerate more stress and stimulus on a weekly basis. The bottom line is being risk averse and mitigating all chances of injury while at the same time maximizing progression on our clients system.
Phase 2 MS-Optimize Goals
Improve balance, dynamic capacity, muscular endurance
Expose neuromuscular breakdown in real world settings
Progress from table (low impact) to the training floor (higher impact)
Progress client into higher intensity strength training
Introduce client to compound lifting and higher output training
Our approach to nutritional programming revolves around developing comprehensive and dynamic nutritional recommendations based on individual variables, including genetics, microbiome, metabolic profile, health status, physical activity, dietary pattern, food environment as well as socioeconomic and psychosocial characteristics. It is imperative to understanding that health and responses to diet change over time are a dynamic and non linear process. Our nutritionist can help answer the question “What should I eat to be healthy?”, recognizing that what is healthful for one individual may not be the same for another. For that very reason it is so important to fit the program to the client not the client to the program.
We now offer memberships comprised of our IF - Tailored Exercise Programming Systems. Our clients can take advantage of our cutting-edge equipment, training systems, and receive instruction from our trainers while in the gym. Build Strength, Muscular Endurance, Cardiovasular Health and Joint Mobility with guided programming… without the congestion of a big box gym.

"I would like to send a bouquet of praises for Jazz Lewis and Intentional fitness. Jazz’s knowledge and expertise far surpasses and other physical therapy or coaching I have experienced. I have been a runner for over 30 years and recently experienced some injuries. Jazz doesn’t only address the injury but checks your whole system to see what actually contributed to the injury."
"Jeremiah is very kind, knowledgeable and professional. He goes the extra mile to accommodate his clients."
"Jazz is absolutely amazing! He is so knowledgeable about the neuromuscular system and really tailors every session to your specific body and needs."

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